Friday, March 03, 2006

Well, it seems like forever since I last posted!

I have been clearing a lot of stuff, none of it very exciting, and just didn't have anything meaningful to write. Or so it seemed to me!

Today, I am sniffling, sneezing and my throat is scratchy! I haven't been sick like this in years. But not only am I clearing, in general, but I had something quite stressful come up during the past week, at the same time my son was developing the same symptoms I just described. Put all those things together, and apparently, I just couldn't resist!

What this tells me about the Healing Codes and my work on healing is how important it still is to pay attention to the stress in my life. I knew it was there but did not use the codes to focus on it--I was focusing on other issues. But when something really stressful happens, I believe your bodymind's fondest wish is to deal with that, and that wisdom escaped me this time.

So, someone pass me a tissue, and keep that in mind in your own healing work!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I just met with a client and we tested that in the past week, she has healed 209 destructive cellular memories!!!

That is SO fantastic, I asked if I could share it with all of you!

And the really wonderful thing is that her healing responses, which I just blogged about earlier this morning, have been fairly minor.

Very exciting!

Healing Responses

Are you having a healing response?

A client asked me to describe them in detail...

One of the things that is likely to happen as you pursue healing and dedicate yourself to the issue/cell memories you are working on is that you will initially feel much better and then, may feel a little discomfort. It may seem like more of the symptom you are trying to change or it may be discomfort that seems to be completely unrelated to the problem or memory. Often, it will be something familiar: the headaches you get every once in a while, the sneezing fits you have in the morning, the lower backache at the end of the day, or the winter cold that comes to visit and stays!

But here's the thing: now that you are faithfully doing your healing codes every day and keeping your autonomic nervous system in balance, those familiar symptoms will improve and gradually disappear. And this is the paradigm shift you need to make: if they aren't getting better, and you are experiencing them, they are now probably a healing response! And I don't mean just the physical stuff, either, I mean irritability, depression, sadness, shame, anger, etc.

What we are used to doing whenever we have discomfort is creating a reasonable explanation for it so that our world continues to make sense. We sniffle and we remember that we shook hands with Sally a couple of days ago before finding out that she had a cold. We decide that we have caught it and will, therefore, not feel well for a week or so. But this is a form of what I call creative writing. Making up the stories of our lives, which may or may not be true!

We feel tired in the morning and we immediately remember looking at the clock as we went to bed. So we tell ourselves we're tired because we stayed up too late. And we know that that means we'll probably be tired all day.

As the day goes on, we notice that we are a bit irritable and we feel guilty for snapping at a few people who got in our way, one way or another. We decide that it must be PMS or low blood sugar or the traffic snafu we encountered on the way to work or the brief argument we had this morning.

But what if none of it is true?

What of the sniffle, the tiredness and the irritability are ALL healing responses?? What if we could resolve them in hours or minutes? Once we convince ourselves of our preferred, more familiar explanations, we may be stuck with those symptoms for days! But if we can get into the habit of immediately recognizing that they are healing responses, we may be able to leave the house without them!

What is a healing response?

A healing response is a sign that you are healing the problem or issue you are working on, and that your body is attempting to release the toxic material associated with those cellular memories being healed. But there is some delay or "traffic jam" keeping them from being released completely and what's happening, instead, is that you are experiencing them in some form: headaches, irritability, sleepiness, upset stomach, sadness, etc.

The mistake some people make when this happens is to try to "tough it out" by continuing to do their codes, hoping that the symptoms will just go away. Instead, the symptoms get worse, and more symptoms present themselves!! If there were an actual traffic jam, it would be like deliberately sending more cars in that direction. Or, to put it another way, it would be like trying to add more fiber to your diet, noticing that you're constipated, choosing to ignore that and continuing to eat more fiber.

Here are several steps to take when you have been working on a code and you are feeling some discomfort...

(1) Do the same code but change the focus to "healing response symptoms" and name the ones you are experiencing.

(2) Do your code intensively--for half an hour or an hour at a time at least once that day.

(3) Do your code much more frequently--every hour or two hours for 10-15 minutes at a time.

(4) "Multiply the effectiveness" by very high numbers to super-charge your code.

(5) If you've done all of these steps but you are still having the healing response, do it again for an extended period of time, and then, go back to every hour. You might also try increasing the numbers you were using.

(6) If your healing response lasts longer than a day and you've been following these steps precisely, call your coach for troubleshooting.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I seem to be experiencing an identity shift. My destructive cellular memories have healed, so there's a bit of a void left that hasn't yet been filled. Who I am is not who I was but neither is it yet who I'm going to be. LOL!

It feels like a void. Blah!

I guess there's a process of letting go that I'm not entirely conscious of but which is creating some grief? I've experienced this before, when I've been working on healing something, it clears, and I have a week or so of disorientation during which I don't quite recognize myself. It always passes, but usually feels like it never will.

And here I am, again. Lovely!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

One of the other coaches came up with an amazing idea and shared it on our most recent conference call. He decided to test to find out how many destructive cellular memories he had left to heal. He then created a healing code to heal all of them and it worked!

I did the same. I discovered that 3 1/2 years ago, when I started this work, I had 576 cellular memories that needed to be healed. After the conference call, I tested that I had 27 left. It took me two days to heal them, and I can't tell you how excited I am about it!

On the other hand, I am now into day 3 of a healing response/clearing that I can't claim to enjoy!

Oh, well! I'll be done with that eventually :).

And then, I can get on with my plan to infuse my cells with positive, life-enhancing memories!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I have a very strong sense of spiritual connection. Not just to God, but also to nature, etc. I love to go outside and sit on my porch and feel the breeze, soak up the sun and connect to my trees. When I do that, I feel loved!

But a couple of days ago, I went outside and was so focused on the problems in a relationship that I couldn't feel anything. No sense of connection!

Well, I was talking to another healing coach today, and she suggested that I have some issues to heal around losing myself in a relationship and that what happened the other day is an example of that issue. So that's what I worked on, and I feel SO much better! Peaceful, grounded, centered, and connected. Serene, even!

This work is SO powerful!

Monday, November 14, 2005

I have been working on some interesting things lately--most recently, negative thinking and negative expectations.

But I got sidelined a little bit yesterday. So much so that I had little motivation to do my healing codes practice. I had to make myself do it, and when I did, I didn't even say the prayer. Yikes! "What happened?", you ask?

Well, someone I care about very much hurt me this weekend. Enough for me to consider not being in the relationship anymore.

But I realized that there is spiritual growth ahead for me that this situation is meant to inspire: being able to keep my heart open, to stay emotionally connected and compassionate even if this person's fear of love has a negative impact on me. I just did a code on that very goal!

Of course, I laughed when I first realized that this was the lesson, because it seems utterly impossible!! But now, I'm kind of excited about it!

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to be like that?

Well, we'll see...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Most recently, I have been working on fear of love. I want to be a more loving person in all my relationships but also be able to accept love when it comes back to me. Well, this must be a huge issue because in the past few days, I have had 5 or 6 healing responses!

It occurred to me that my fear of love goes all the way back to when I was born premature and then, spent a month in an incubator waiting to weigh enough to go home. I tested that the issue itself is healed, but that the healing was not fully manifested and that I have had both healing responses and symptoms of clearing.

So, I did my code with a focus on clearing. During my code work, I felt directed to send the energy of love back to the beginning of my life--from the incubator, through infancy, and then, I just kept going on up to the present moment. I think what I did was to transform those memories. Though they had already healed and the lie had been removed, what I did was install the truth!

And I just tested that the healing is fully manifested!

Very powerful work!